Latesha Lynch

From Affordable to Invaluable: Overcoming Underpricing and Client Misunderstandings with Latesha Lynch

September 02, 20246 min read

The entrepreneurial journey is a winding path of discoveries, setbacks, and triumphs. It’s about more than just generating revenue, it’s about mastering the art of delegation, leadership, and prioritizing self-care. In a riveting episode of the Master Delegator Podcast, Lastesha Lynch shares her personal and professional insights with Speaker A, revealing the critical lessons she learned in her quest to build a successful business.


From hiring missteps to leadership development, the conversation is packed with valuable takeaways for business owners at any stage of their journey.

From Corporate Marketing to Entrepreneurial Challenges

Lastesha Lynch began her entrepreneurial journey in 2019, just before the world was taken by the storm of the pandemic. With a background in marketing dating back to 2006, she transitioned from corporate life to running her own business, driven by childhood aspirations of becoming a businesswoman. As Lynch recounts, her early days were a blend of excitement and challenges, reflecting on how she made the bold decision to leave her corporate job when her business began to earn more than her salary. This pivotal moment, marked by her monthly earnings jumping from $8,000 to $16,000, catalyzed her full-time commitment to her entrepreneurial pursuits.

The Importance of Leadership and Delegation

A significant aspect of her journey was learning how to effectively delegate tasks and step into a leadership role. Initially, Lynch expanded her business by adding coaching and group programs in 2020. She hired an Operations and Marketing Manager (OBM) to handle these tasks, expecting to seamlessly outsource responsibilities. However, things didn’t go as planned. The OBM ended up firing her, and Lynch also had to let go of her social media manager due to errors and a lack of specialization.

This period of her journey was a wake-up call—Lynch realized that successful delegation wasn’t about handing off tasks and expecting perfect results without her involvement. She acknowledged her own lack of proper leadership and management skills, prompting her to seek leadership development seriously.

Facing the Reality of Leadership

Lynch's initial hiring experiences were challenging. After her first OBM hiring failure, she prepped and trained her next hire her mom for the role. While this move had its advantages, it also came with hurdles. Assumptions about proper training and actual abilities led to frustrations and revealed Lynch’s impatience and lack of leadership skills.

This realization pushed Lynch to attend a leadership retreat, which was a game-changer. The retreat helped her delve into self-reflection and understand the core of effective leadership. It emphasized the importance of proper training and a considerate approach to managing and developing her team. This experience underscored a vital lesson: leadership isn’t just about hiring the right people; it’s about nurturing their growth, aligning their efforts with the business's vision, and creating a harmonious working environment.

Reprogramming and Balancing Work and Life

Another crucial aspect of Lynch’s journey was reprogramming herself to avoid overworking and emphasizing self-care. Building a business from the ground up often translates to grueling hours and immense pressure. Lynch shared her experience of reprogramming herself to break free from the cycle of endless work and learning to prioritize self-care and joy in her business.

During the conversation, both speakers empathized with the struggles business owners face in finding freedom and flexibility. This reflection on work-life balance resonates with many entrepreneurs who grapple with the constant demand for their time and energy. Lynch’s commitment to reprogramming herself demonstrates the importance of integrating self-care practices into the entrepreneurial routine to sustain long-term success and personal well-being.

The Pricing and Rebranding Epiphany

One of the most transformative episodes in Lynch’s journey was her experience with pricing and the perception of her services. Initially, she struggled with underpricing her offerings, leading to feelings of being undervalued by clients despite the quality of her work. This underpricing issue was further exacerbated when she realized her clients referred to her as "affordable" rather than praising her skills or quality work.

This revelation was a turning point for Lynch. She decided to rebrand her business and seek coaching to elevate her services and align her pricing strategy with her value. This conversation underscores the critical importance of pricing strategy in business. Lynch advised fellow business owners to treat their business as a full-time job, considering both personal and business income needs. She even recommended using a pricing calculator to set appropriate prices—a tool she shares via Instagram to those who inquire.

Revenue, Fair Wages, and Quality Staffing

A recurring theme in Lynch’s narrative is the significance of generating substantial revenue to support fair wages for employees. The discussion emphasized that for a business to thrive and afford high-quality staff, it must be financially robust. Lynch's journey reflects a deep understanding of the balance between reinvesting in the business and ensuring employees are compensated fairly.

Moreover, Lynch stressed the importance of financial management and the need for accounting and financial professionals to monitor cash flow and budgeting. These insights align with the broader goal of building a solid foundation for long-term business success.

Digital Presence and Adaptability

Lynch also shared details about her online presence, focusing on helping service providers and coaches with adaptable and flexible marketing strategies. Having struggled with outsourcing her social media management initially, she highlighted the importance of specialization and competence in all business functions. Her digital presence is a testament to her commitment to helping others navigate the complexities of online marketing.

Personal Reflections and Entrepreneurial Aspirations

Diving into more personal terrain, Lynch shared her love for travel and her experience as a mom, wife, and businesswoman juggling various interests. She touched on her past involvement in blogging and vlogging, particularly around dating-related content and travel adventures with her mom. This segment of the interview added a humanizing layer to Lynch's professional persona, revealing her multifaceted character and aspirations.

These personal reflections also tied back to her childhood dreams of donning business attire and embracing the corporate world, albeit in a different context today. While she no longer needs the traditional briefcase or power suit, the essence of her entrepreneurial spirit remains the same.

Bridging Corporate Training and Entrepreneurial Realities

The conversation wrapped up with reflections on their corporate training experiences and how traditional education often falls short in preparing individuals for leadership roles or entrepreneurship. Lynch’s journey of hiring a leadership coach and transitioning to managing a team of employees and contractors is a testament to the ongoing learning and adaptation required in entrepreneurship.

The episode concluded with Lynch emphasizing the necessity of fair wages for employees, reinforcing the idea that a business must generate substantial revenue to afford quality staff. This, combined with the importance of accounting and financial oversight, creates a blueprint for sustainable business growth and success.

Learn more about Latesha Lynch:

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