Stephanie Polcyn

Essential Tips for Mompreneurs: Setting Boundaries and Communicating Priorities

September 15, 20245 min read

In a recent episode of the "Master Delegator" podcast, Kristy Yoder engaged in an enlightening conversation with Stephanie Polcyn, a multifaceted business marketing strategist and podcast producer. Stephanie brings a rich tapestry of experience, balancing her roles as a mompreneur, homeschooling parent, and business strategist with poise and efficiency.


The discussion provided several key takeaways on navigating personal and professional life, shedding light on essential strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving a balanced, fulfilling life.

Stephanie Polcyn’s journey is one of transformation and resilience. She began her career in the corporate world but took a leap of faith to become a stay-at-home mom and homeschool her children. She then transitioned into entrepreneurship, prompted by her husband to find a hobby or passion outside of her household responsibilities. This transition laid the groundwork for her current roles and expertise in business marketing, podcast production, and social media strategies.

Understanding Your Podcast's Purpose

One of the primary challenges faced by podcasters is increasing their audience. Stephanie emphasizes the importance of understanding the purpose behind a podcast. It’s essential to have a clear mission and vision for the content, which drives engagement and fosters a loyal listener base. Knowing why one is podcasting helps create content that resonates with the audience, leading to organic growth.

Using Social Media for Growth and Retention

Stephanie adeptly uses social media to attract an audience and retain podcast listeners. She highlights that while social media can introduce your podcast to a broader audience, the podcast itself is the tool to keep them engaged. Utilizing platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to share snippets, behind-the-scenes content, and engaging posts can drive traffic to your podcast.

Platform Optimization

It’s also crucial to focus on optimizing podcast titles and leveraging other platforms to reach a wider audience. Stephanie advises concentrating efforts on the social media platform where one has the largest following and feels most competent. This focused approach can yield better results than spreading efforts too thin across multiple platforms.

Digital and Paper Calendars

Balancing personal and professional responsibilities requires meticulous organization. Stephanie uses both digital and paper calendars to manage her family and work schedules. This dual approach helps her stay on top of appointments, deadlines, and family activities, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Time Blocking and Non-Negotiables

A significant part of Stephanie’s time management strategy is time blocking. She sets aside specific blocks of time for different tasks, including non-negotiables like family time and her children’s schedules. This helps her stay disciplined and ensures that every important aspect of her life gets the attention it deserves.

Communication and Trial and Error

Open communication with her family is another cornerstone of Stephanie’s organizational strategy. Through trial and error, she developed systems that work for everyone involved. Setting priorities, delegating responsibilities to her kids, and ensuring everyone is on the same page significantly contribute to creating a harmonious balance.

A Common Struggle

An intriguing part of the conversation was about self-doubt and imposter syndrome, which are common challenges for many entrepreneurs. Stephanie shared candidly about her struggle with these issues when she transitioned from her corporate career to entrepreneurship. She emphasized the importance of believing in oneself and staying focused on one’s goals.

Actionable Strategies

Stephanie advises facing fears head-on and prioritizing faith. She emphasizes the need for internal work, seeking clear direction, and accepting both successes and failures as learning opportunities. By doing so, one can overcome imposter syndrome and build confidence in their abilities.

Setting Priorities and Boundaries

For mompreneurs and those juggling multiple responsibilities, setting clear priorities and boundaries is essential. Stephanie advises envisioning an ideal life and setting boundaries that reflect these priorities. She suggests not being afraid to say no to things that do not align with one’s goals and communicating openly with partners to ensure mutual understanding and support.

Adapting to Life's Rhythm

Speaker A and Stephanie discussed the inevitable ups and downs of life, comparing it to the rhythm of a heartbeat. This analogy illustrates the natural ebb and flow of challenges and successes, reminding us to stay resilient and adaptable. Stephanie’s experiences underline the importance of perseverance and the critical role of faith in navigating life’s complexities.

Advice for Mompreneurs

Stephanie offers specific advice for mompreneurs, encouraging them to delegate responsibilities to their children and ensure they are involved in household duties. This not only lightens the load for moms but also teaches kids valuable life skills. She also stresses the importance of setting aside quality time for oneself and family, fostering a balanced and fulfilling home life.

Faith as a Guiding Force

Throughout the conversation, Stephanie highlighted the role of faith in her journey. She attributes much of her success to trusting in a higher purpose and seeking spiritual guidance. Faith has been a cornerstone for her, providing strength and direction in both personal and professional life.

Discovering and Pursuing Purpose

Knowing one's purpose is pivotal in maintaining motivation and resilience. Stephanie’s journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship was fueled by a desire to find meaningful work that aligned with her values and passions. By staying true to her purpose, she was able to overcome challenges and build a thriving business that impacts others positively.

Diverse Offerings

Stephanie’s business ventures are diverse and tailored to helping others succeed. Her services include social media coaching, podcast and book production, and group coaching. She leverages her extensive experience and systematic approach to provide valuable insights and support to her clients.

Promoting Expertise and Contacting Stephanie

Listeners and readers interested in Stephanie’s offerings can reach out to her on social media or through her website, Her journey from a non-fitness person to starting a health business, and eventually shifting to business marketing, exemplifies her adaptability and dedication to helping others achieve their dreams.

Learn more about Stephanie Polcyn:

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